Many of the Cinema displays suffered from "pink" syndrome with their uncalibrated state, mine included. (Why: it's 15 years old it has a CCFL backlight and it was horribly bad to start with. In fact, it's still up and running, although I wouldn't consider it a useful display "today". I bought one myself back in 2005 to use with a G5 tower for many years. Is that an Apple 23" Cinema Display you're talking about? That brings back memories. (Many 3rd party display manufacturers do this). SpectraView would therefore have a license to the Spyder SDK so that they could use it with their own software for calibrating their own displays. Planning on pairing it with a NEC EA monitor to go along with my Cinema Display. Would this Spyder Spectraview kit work with my current setup as well as a brand new one? I currently am using a 12" macbook pro from 2012 and OS Sierra 10.12.6 but am planning on upgrading to a brand new top line macbook pro later this year. I'm hoping this calibration tool will be useful on my current and future setups but this post made me question it's value going forward. I really would love to have one of these calibration tools for my 23" Cinema Display as well as any new monitors I pick up.

Looking to buy a used monitor and it comes with the "SpectraView EA Kit (SVII-EA-KIT) with SpectraViewII software and Spyder colorimeter" Sorry for my ignorance but is there any possibility you could simplify this for me a little bit?