Jesus and john wayne critique
Jesus and john wayne critique

jesus and john wayne critique

She also explains the power of the communication and marketing networks that were built up within the evangelical community. Du Mez shows in great detail how evangelicals grew in political involvement, and indeed political power, over these decades. Piper and Grudem and the Danvers declaration in 1989-named after meeting in Danvers, Massachusetts in which the Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood released a statement and the term “complementarian” was coined. “Popular” evangelical books about masculinity are mentioned, but also more serious theological explorations of the role of men within the Christian faith e.g. Unfortunately, the past half-century has given her a lot of material to work with. Unfortunately, the past half-century has given her a lot of material to work with.ĭu Mez outlines many instances of abuse within the evangelical world. Du Mez outlines many instances of abuse of power within the evangelical world and a large number of sex scandals. Mahaney and Bill Hybels, along with the sad and troubling events surrounding them. Other familiar names appear, including Mark Driscoll, C.J. John Eldredge and his book Wild at Heart.Popular books on “masculinity” including Steve Farrar’s Point Man.Al Mohler from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (appears regularly).James Dobson (I was surprised to learn the level of influence Dobson had in the Evangelical world in the USA).As Du Mez works through the decades, many of the names that come up will be familiar to Australian evangelicals-for example:

Jesus and john wayne critique